Saturday 4 April 2020

Old Yellers

Painting the WW2 forces only set me back one evening in the painting schedule, and today I completed the latest Spanish regiment for the Spanish Succession armies. This is the last of the 'coloured regiments', as I am doing the army for 1708 and the next 2 line regiments will be in the newly distributed white 'Bourbon' coats. My choice was the Burgos Regiment, formerly the Tercio known as the Amarillos Viejos (Old Yellows). This way I have a yellow coated regiment in each army - these things are important!

 The Regimental flag was a right pain to paint! So many triangles! The other colour, like my other Spanish Royal colours, is totally made up. A flag based on the colours of the province was authorised by Felipe V, but it is unlikely that it would have arrived while the old flag was still in use. Also, I think that the provincial colour for Burgos might be green. Oh well, I like having two flags per regiment, so this works.

Almost forgot - the Old Yellows have a beer named after them, which makes them one of the coolest regiments in history!

Next in line is a British regiment, and then I will be 50% of the way through the Spanish Succession armies. Then it will be time for a game I feel.



  1. Excellent brushwork Nate. I wouldn't fancy hand painting that flag!

    1. It was a challenge, but at least it was geometric. When I get to the Palatine Leibregiment I may have a small breakdown!

  2. Very nice work again on the Yellowcoats Nate. The beer story is pretty cool you have this beer in your possession, or did you just find the image online?

    1. No, I found it online. One day when it is possible to travel to Spain safely again...

  3. Brilliant! I love the fact that you can reward yourself with a beer for completing the unit.

    1. Only local beer I'm afraid. I'll have to wait for the Amarillos Viejos for another day.

  4. Hurrah for yellow uniforms....
    They look lovely Nate... I really like the flags...
    Do you only get to drink the beer if they win...?

    All the best. Aly

    1. Unlike Napoleonic times, the odds of a Spanish win are pretty good in the WSS, so it wouldn't mean that the beer sits there forever!

  5. Very nice indeed! Having a beer named after them is preety cool.
