Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Made it to the funny papers

Sorry for a brazen piece of self-publicity here, but I've had my first wargaming article published in the most recent Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine (#80). I'm the culprit for the attempt to adapt Lion Rampant to the First Punic War.
Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy #80
I got my digital copy yesterday and was very pleased with the job Guy has done in presenting them.
I originally submitted them as my Gallic Wars version and was asked to turn it into a Punic Wars version to fit the theme of this issue. The playtesting that I did was done with a lot of proxy figures and a plastic Schleich rhino instead of an elephant. I've since bought a Crusader minis elephant, but it hasn't been put together yet, as well as some Triarii. As I haven't actually finished painting my Gallic Wars figures yet, the Punic Wars probably won't be finished until next year, but it's nice to know that I have a set of rules ready to go when it is.
I'll post my most recent Gallic Wars variant on the blog soon. In the meantime if you are interested comment below and I'll e-mail them to you.

In the meantime, thank you Guy, for the opportunity to give a little more back to the community and for running such a fantastic magazine. If you're reading this and don't get WSS, all I can say is - buy it! It is well worth the pittance being asked for it, even if it does publish people like me!



  1. Congratulations. Look forward to reading it!

    1. Thanks Gordon. I hope it isn't a cure for insomnia - if it is just read some of the other great articles in there.

  2. Kudos! Love your work mate

  3. Congratulations! My subscription issue is on the post so hopefully I'll get to read your article soon.

    1. Cheers Tim. I think it's a pretty strong issue all round.

  4. Well done Sir, that's a great thing to have achieved.

  5. Hi,

    I bought this number of WSS especialy for your rules and they are great! Thank you. Me and my boys from my War Gaming Club we are waiting for rules for scorpio and some Roman warfare and of course for finał version of Gauls. If you could send some information about this in e-mail I would be greatful.
    All the best,

    1. Hi Kalins. Send me an e-mail and I'll send you the Gallic Wars version - my e-mail is natholeon at hotmail dot com (change the at and dot to normal characters for an e-mail address).

  6. Huzzah and congratulations on being published!
    Always a humbling but proud moment
    I'll have to go re-read that article with new eyes now :-)
