Saturday, 5 September 2015


This is the last unit that I needed for my Great Northern War pocket project - Cossacks. They are 15mm Irregular minis like the rest of the armies. I really struggled with painting these chaps, mostly in terms of colour selection. In the end I just went with a bit of a rainbow but red bags on all of the caps. It seems to have worked OK.
'Charge! But only if the enemy aren't looking...'

The rules as they stand at the moment state that the Russians will have a seventh unit on the table - either an artillery unit or the Cossacks. The artillery seemed to work well in the last battle and balanced out the Swedes' hitting power. It will be interesting to see if the Cossacks can do the same thing.



  1. Do you have particular rules for the Cossacks? I've been considering having them move the same as cavalry, but allow them to make a full pivot before charging. However they only roll 1D6* in combat, which should disadvantage them in a fight with 'real' cavalry or even dragoons (1D6+2 and 1D6+1 respectively) and keep them from doing too many frontal charges against infantry (where their hits are effectively halved). However I haven't really tried these rules out yet.

    *4D6 in my rules.

    1. My Cossack rules are on the rules page (at the top) in the hand to hand section. Basically I had them being realtively ineffective against the front of any unit by halving their total hits, but retaining full nastiness for attacking flanks. They also evade charges, which makes them very annoying for their opponent.
      I think I'm going for the same object as you, but in a different way.

  2. They look great...but ennemy's looking sometimes!

    1. That is when it is a good time to run away!

  3. They look a fearsome group of riders!

    1. Yes, you can just make out the severed heads attached to their saddles in the second picture.
