Friday, 15 May 2020

Towards a complete Spanish Town

In terms of terrain I've always largely made my own. and been satisfied with a relatively limited selection of versatile buildings, trees etc. But there are some interesting scenarios in the Scenarios for all Ages book involving sieges, forlorn hopes and urban battles that could do with a decent number of buildings to be constructed. As The Spanish Succession is my 'big battle' period, I've decided to try and create an effective urban environment for that era. So Spanish buildings are my current construction project. Last week I built 2 houses with porches, one of which featured in my last game. Today I began a church, a tavern, and a smaller townhouse, and plan to add to these as time goes by.
Here is the church under construction:

The inspiration for this building comes from Paul Darnell's Touching History book. Tomorrow I'll be adding decoration and the roof, although I need to order some more Spanish pantiles before I complete the tower.



  1. That is looking fantastic! Would you recommend "Touching History"?

    1. For inspiration it is pretty good. The PDFs are pretty cheap, and there are some good tips in there. I don't use the same materials as Paul, being far too budget to invest in a skill saw for MDF. They can be bought here:

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan. Time to break out some matchsticks now.

  3. Nice work this church a kit of some kind or is it all your own scratch work?

    1. All scratch built Keith. I'm not as proficient a modeler as Mark, but these Spanish buildings are relatively straight forward.

  4. Paul Darnell - superb modelmaker; lousy businessman. I guess after 15 years I won't be getting either my terrain boards or my £200 refund? But I still find the Touching History "Spanish" book inspiring.

    1. Sorry to hear that Jeremy. I think I read somewhere that he had a breakdown? But I'd also read that he had disappeared with several promised projects never seeing the light of day. 200 quid is a lot to have lost.

  5. What a fabulous start! It's already looking the business.

    1. I'll be splashing paint on tomorrow, and then we'll see if it was all worthwhile.
