Tuesday 15 January 2019

Super Wonder Issue #1: Ambush on Guavan 9

So I rolled up a game that featured a Super-Villain team up on another world where the antagonists were out for revenge. My 6 year old was wanting to play as well, so it was a no-brainer to take the hero (does anyone say heroine any more?) that she created. Hence Super-Wonder, which is her name (no sniggering in the corner) and sums her up well. She's the only truly cosmic superhero in the NDC universe at the moment, and her pink star powers enable her to fly, shoot power beams and shield herself with a force field. Again, these powers were at the 6 years old's request.
So who were the enemies going to be? Well as revenge was on the cards, her nemesis, Rock Queen had to be involved. Rock Queen is the creation of my 9 year old, and unfortunately I just couldn't fit in all the different powers that she was requested to have. Needless to say she taps into the universal power of music by playing a guitar loudly - power blasts, flight etc. She represents the dark power that music can have (so should probably have a drum machine and an auto-tuner).
Helping her was the Harbinger of Sokar, herald to the mighty Egyptian space god. More on all that at a later date.

No sub-plots were rolled and the result was a relatively quick game.
Rock Queen ambushes Super Wonder on Guavan 9 - and then quickly wishes she hadn't.
 A distress beacon from the 9th moon of Guavan is answered by Super Wonder, to find no-one there. All of sudden a blast of white noise from behind is only just blocked by SW's force field. Turning our hero engages the Rock Queen, unaware that behind her the Harbinger has arrived as well.
Total victory
The cards fall right for Super Wonder, and the dice roll low for Rock Queen. The first attacker is taken out before the Harbinger can even get into range. Taking time only to deliver a one-liner, SW turns to face her bird-faced opponent. The Harbinger draws an Ace, which would give him a chance to knock out his target, but he's out of range by 1".  Super Wonder is not so forgiving, and in a devastating power blast of pinkness, the Harbinger goes down. I'm not sure if my youngest daughter rigged the dice, but she says it was just because superheroes can't lose.

A quick game, but a good test of how the rules work with an outnumbered opponent. It could just as easily have gone the other way. Tomorrow Captain Kiwi will battle three opponents (the game's already played, but one is enough for now).



  1. In an in-game world that doesn't know of "Superman" and "Wonder Woman", Super-Wonder is actually a pretty cool name, and I really like both her power set and that of Rock Queen. Creative young gamers you have there!

    1. They are that, even if I have to stop her from grabbing Super Wonder and making whooshing sounds as she flies around the table mid-game! Afterwards she raided my Heroclix and played happily for a couple of hours with a handful of figures. Giganta is one of her favourites - she calls her Captain Undies... And of course both girls love Teen Titans Go! But then, so do I.
