Thursday 6 February 2020

More plain plastic brought to life (or undeath)

She's been working on them for a while now. She initially started last year, and the time it has taken is more about adolescent procrastination than any desire for perfection. But finally my 12 year old daughter painted her first unit:
close up of the 'command' element. (there isn't any such thing, I just gave it that name.)
 I told her the colours to use, gave her a quick example of how to do it, and she did the rest. I've never painted old bronze with its green tinge before so I mixed up the paint for her. It looks quite grey to me, but I think it still does the trick.
In all their bony glory!

These skeletons are going towards her Hades inspired force for Mortal Gods Mythic when it finally releases. She isn't a goth, but she definitely likes the idea of Hades and an undead warband much more than the other options. I finally think I have converted one of my children into playing little toy soldiers with me - when she isn't busy on her phone.

The other thing that I got finished today was my French dragoons. These are the Bouville Regiment that served in Spain, and I'm pretty sure that I've got there colours as correct as they are going to get.
All in their stocking caps.

Slight change in angle
These are all Warlord Games plastics, but I used some green stuff to convert their caps to the correct dragoon shape.

Next on the conveyor belt are some Star Wars Legion Rebel Commandos. Hopefully they will be up here this weekend.



  1. Diversified and splendid, well done!!

  2. Just love that skeleton army Nate.

  3. Nice work getting your daughter to the point of painting some troops Nate....hopefully she will follow through with a game or two. The French cavalry are nice too!

    1. That is the hope Keith. We've had two games of Mortal Gods, but it hard pinning her down for a game. Teenagers have such busy lives...

  4. They're looking amazing! Well done paintjob! :-)

    1. Thanks Viluir. And I'll be checking out your blog a bit more often too!

  5. Wonderful paint jobs all around! I love the skeleton shields - they look suitably ancient and weathered. And congratulations on getting one of your children to play with toy soldiers with you. My son would rather play video games than push plastic figures around and roll dice (completely mind boggling).

    1. Thanks John. Yes, she is quite proud of her skeletons, and it is nice to see her get off her device. Time to give her some highlanders to paint I think!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan. It's nice to be on a bit of a painting streak again.

    2. You really have been infected by the painting mojo! Hope it lingers.

  7. Nice painting all round Nate...

    Be warned... once you get you children involved with wargames... there is a good chance that you will also get used to loosing... ;-)

    All the best. Aly
