Sunday, 16 March 2014

Norman spearmen

Currently New Zealand is being buffeted by a cyclone, but to be honest outside here it is just a bit rainy and windy. Nevertheless it has given me a bit of time inside to do some painting. I've finally finished off 6 points of Normans by painting the last 16 figures of Crusader miniatures Norman Spearmen.
Unit One of grim faced Norman warriors
Unit Two of just as grimly faced Norman Warriors - did they not smile because of losing too many teeth?
Now when I purchased the figures for the Normans I just bought figures that I thought looked cool. Upon reading the battleboard I discovered that it would be a good idea to have a unit of Norman Levy archers among my 6 points. So Unit One above is now up for sale.  I need £17.50 ($35 NZD) to purchase the Levy, so that is what I'll ask for these guys plus any postage. If anyone is interested just let me know, otherwise they'll go on trademe.



  1. Very nicely done - even if they're grim faced.

  2. A rain of splendid units!

  3. Great work. Hope the Cyclone doesn't do to much damage. Snow is starting melt away here in Michigan, USA,

    1. Cyclone turned out to be a bit of a fizzer. Blue skies today. Good excuse to stay inside and paint throughout the weekend though!

  4. Thanks for positive comments guys.

  5. Lovely stuff indeed! I hope my Normans turn out as nicely :-D

  6. BTW I have had great success in 6 point games by taking 3 units of warriors but fielding them as 2 groups. They have a lot more resilience and you don't really miss the extra Saga die. Might be worth holding onto such lovely spearmen to do that. If not I'll take them off your hands with postage across the ditch please!

    1. Hey Paul, thanks for the comments and jumping on board. Two days ago I gave the spearmen to John in return for 36 Chaos Warriors (oh, the shame - but still haven't bought a single new model for Warhammer off the shelf).
      I agree about merging units, I tried it out with my Anglo-Danish Hearthguard and it worked well. But given the battleboard options for the Normans, it would be silly not to have some archers in there. Thanks for the offer though!

  7. Nice work, love the free hand shields.
