Monday 22 October 2018

Some progress

Since the last post my paint brush has been busily working through a few things. First and foremost is another 2 regiments for the Spanish War of Succession project.

The Viejos Murados - the Old Purples. the Sevilla Tercio.

From the other angle with a closer shot of the grenadiers.

The Dutch Regiment St.Amant - a marine regiment that served in Spain for the duration of the war.

And another angle.
Rivers' regiment is not too far off finished so I'll put that up when it's all done.

I completed the Ultramarine Kill Team. Painted up in mid-90s style - ain't no school like the old school! Adam's been keen to get a game in but the weekend has been far too busy, as we've taken advantage of the weather to do some tidying up in the yard.
A bit bunched
A better view of some of the hidden chaps from above.
I also finished off Geoff's last figures.

I felt a little sad as I painted these kids. It just reminded me of how desperate things must have felt in Germany in 1945, and the price that was paid. Some of those kids might have been distant relatives.

Which leads nicely into my updated DNA Ancestry results. The previous results had 40% English, 20% Irish, and no German. The latest update (the more people that take the test, the more markers are available and the more accurate the test becomes) sees my ancestry shift a little to match what I know of my family tree. The Scandanavian probably comes in with my Eastern English ancestry - lots of Vikings hanging out in those parts, and the Eastern European probably adds to the German as part of my Prussian heritage. but I am quite surprised at the degree of Irish in there.  20% seemed to tally with my knowledge of the family tree, so further research is needed. Gone are the small Spanish, Jewish and Caucasus percentages. Just lots more Irish. I look forward to seeing how it shifts again in the future.

Right, time to go and grab some Guinness I guess. Will it improve my painting?



  1. Great looking additions on the SWS project, awesome!

  2. Rapid progress and nicely done, your old skool marines are great and the last levy came out really well too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. All of the above were enjoyable to paint, and that is over half the battle!

  3. The WSS units are very nice Nate and don't be too sad about the HJ kids - most of them probably grew up to be W German industrialists!

    1. Thanks Keith. Yes, or maybe Jame Bond villains.
